Revival of NAC

Revival of NAC

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Published on

August 11, 2022

It refers to welcome news about revival of National Advisory Council (NAC) with Sonia Gandhi again as its chairperson. NAC, during its earlier stint, had taken a remarkable initiative to introduce a self-regulatory Act for government by introducing ‘Right To Information Act 2005’ that too in a time-bound period before end of year 2005 as per promise given by Sonia Gandhi to NAC members like Aruna Roy and others. Otherwise it was a usual practice to dump important recommendations of such high-level or expert committees without actually implementing.

It should be hoped that NAC in its revived stint will make government take similar other reformative measures concerning governance-system especially towards election-reforms in a manner that entering legislature may be for public-service rather than for self-interest to get ‘employed’ at public-expense with real aim to mint money through political shops!

Madhu Agrawal
