rface Islamists Need Not Apply

Decades ago a cartoon showed a sign “Muslims Need Not Apply” on the front doors of the Islamic Studies department of a US university. Almost the same is true about the US State Department.

Written by

Abul Kalam

Published on

June 17, 2022

Decades ago a cartoon showed a sign “Muslims Need Not Apply” on the front doors of the Islamic Studies department of a US university. Almost the same is true about the US State Department.
The US governments, Democrats controlled or by the Republicans, keep on parroting that the US wants to establish democracies all over the world and free the Muslims from the shackles of oppression. But when it comes to the “Islamists”, the US, with the European Union in tow followed by the rest of the secular and Communist/Socialist entourage, denies them any right to exist, even if they win the popular vote. How an Islamist is defined is another matter. Islamist is any person, a group, a country that shows the slightest inkling to work for improving the life of the masses. Turkish government is Islamic as it tried to solve the economic malaise. Ikhwan, Hamas and the like all over the Muslim world are the Islamists. The Somali IC was Islamist because it restored order to a lawless country but did not follow the US orders
Who are the secular?  Mubarak and Abbas are secular, and so are now Salah of Yemen, the rulers in Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, etc. inching towards becoming ‘tolerated.’  Abdullah of Jordan, Maliki of Iraq, Karzai of Afghanistan, Musharraf and Bhutto of Pakistan, were already in the good books.
A recent article in the US News & World Report (June 25, 2007) reported: “Since Hamas’s January 2006 election victory, the United States and Israel have tried unsuccessfully to bolster Fatah and to weaken and isolate Hamas. The United States armed and trained Fatah security forces to wrest control of Gaza’s streets from Hamas militias, the aim being to prop up Abbas’s rule.  That was plan B; Plan A had been last year’s legislative election that Fatah was supposed to win.”
Now the new Plan is: End the economic and political embargo of the Palestinian Authority in a bid to bolster President Abbas and the new Fatah-led emergency government (established in the West Bank without the approval of the Parliament, or popular support) as a counterweight to Hamas-controlled Gaza.
The American decision freed up tens of millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinians that has been frozen since the Hamas victory in legislative elections in 2006. The European Union similarly resumed direct aid to the Palestinians. Ehud Olmert said Israel would release to Mr. Abbas Palestinian tax revenues that Israel has withheld since Hamas took control of the Palestinian parliament. The flow of green bucks is expected to dazzle the eyes of poor Palestinian masses in the West Bank and tell the Gazan that they should abandon the Islamist Hamas if they wish to get the moolah or else suffer unbearable hunger, starvation and humiliation.
What is Plan C? Obviously, it would be an armed Israeli incursion in the next few weeks if, still the Gazans don’t see the light. It would at the slightest pretext of a Qassam rocket being fired from Ghaza, by e Fatah agent.
Hamas may have won a temporary victory, but the rest of the world is unwilling to give them legitimacy despite their popular support. Somalia was the latest chapter in the policy of the “Islamists Deserve No Freedom”.