It should be an adage by now that wherever there is war in the world, Jews/Zionists/Israelis must be involved on one side or the other or possibly on both sides.
The recent confrontation between Russia and Georgia, where Georgia a very small nation, with historical problems with its bigger neighbour, Russia, would not have taken place, without Georgia being instigated into initiating a unilateral aggressive action by moving forces in disputed territory and triggering a countermove by Russian counter-measure by attacking advancing Georgian armed forces. Israel comes into the picture as the main supplier of arms to Georgia and by providing the requisite political support from the captive US administration. The situation on the ground has become so serious that for the first time after the winding up of the Cold War, US and Russian forces are now within 15 minutes driving distance, confronting each other. All this the sole doing of the Jewish/Zionist/Israeli war machine, that is always in the forefront of creating trouble in all corners of the world and benefiting from not only becoming the main suppliers of goods and services but the chief strategist and tacticians of the whole war scenario.
Google has no less than 9934 articles as of this hour, listed on its site on the subject of ‘Israel’s role in Russia-Georgia war’.
It is pity that in India, our media is so engrossed in demonising the Muslims as terrorists all over the country, some would say, all on behalf of US/Israel prodding, that they fail to inform their citizens, what they are bargaining for in going with the international war conspirators. Our government has used, or one could say, misused its executive powers, without bothering to take its people into confidence, by opening up to the US and Israel, mainly in defence and intelligence contracts worth billions of dollars. Both the warmonger countries not only supply the hardware for warfare but gratuitously lay down the ground work to see that all such purchases are used too. The blood of our soldiers is of course, will be our main loss, besides colossal waste of our national wealth.
All our politicians who swore by their patriotic commitment to their country are blind to figure out, where the merchants of death and destruction are leading us to. India will pay heavily, if it does not keep the warmongers from its shore. In the light of the recent Russia-Georgia confrontation, India should fall back on its Non-Alignment role in world politics, lest it may be drawn into the circle of violence, by its unadvised cozying up to the US, UK, Israel.
Ghulam Muhammed
Mumbai, Maharashtra