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August 12, 2022

More than 1,600 Saudi women have backed an open letter to top Saudi leaders and religious scholars, expressing support for the Kingdom’s ban on the free mixing of men and women. The letter, which is on the Noor Al-Islam website, said women in Saudi Arabia are saddened by the publication of news reports and articles calling for the free mixing of men and women in the Kingdom. Saudi woman Maryam Al-Khalifa said she is surprised to see some writers attacking Islamic scholars for objecting to gender mixing. “Ahmed Al-Ghamdi described such scholars as astray,” she said, asking how it is possible for him to use such words to describe people who want to protect women. She added that people who call for the free mixing of men and women do not entertain good intentions for women. Abeer Al-Otaibi, another of the letter’s supporter, emphasised the role that the hijab plays in safeguarding women’s chastity and modesty. “Women are like sweets. If you keep them out in the open … then nobody will take them. On the other hand, if you cover them then everybody will like them,” she said. She added that the letter — titled “Women of Saudi Arabia support its leaders on the ban of sexes mixing” — is an expression of what women think.