Saudi Arabia has urged the United Nations to implement the principles of its charter effectively without adopting double standard.

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August 16, 2022

Saudi Arabia has urged the United Nations to implement the principles of its charter effectively without adopting double standard. It also criticized the use of veto power by some permanent members to block the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions. Addressing the 65th session of the UN General Assembly, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal emphasized the need to implement the Arab Peace Initiative, which offers normal Arab-Israeli relations if the Jewish state withdraws from Arab territories occupied in 1967. The Kingdom urged Israel to restore the rights of Palestinians and abide by the principles of international law and UN resolutions and end all settlement activities, saying they jeopardise the peace process and render negotiations meaningless. Prince Saud added that the United Nations should adopt a credible approach with regards to implementing the principles of international legitimacy, the provisions of international law and the requirements of international justice.