That no action was taken against the police officials who acted ‘hand-in-glove’ to the grotesque Gujarat pogrom and also the police officer who was named by the Sri Krishna Commission as having killed some unarmed Muslims in Suleiman Bakery after the Mumbai blasts in 1993, has boosted the morale of a few police officers to take law in their own hands. The latest case of fake encounter of the Shaikh couple in which high ranking police officials of Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh are involved….is a litmus test to the integrity of the UPA government which never tires to claim as the messiah of the minorities. The Union Government would do well to order a CBI enquiry which alone can bolster confidence to the dispirited section of the society apart from acting as a deterrent to the errant law-enforcing agency to commit the deeds most foul.
Syed Sultan Mohiddin
Kadapa, A.P