The Annapolis conference is ill timed, ill planned, and held only for the political expediency of its three main protagonists, Bush, Olmert, and Abbas. This meeting had no agenda for discussion and its failed outcome was already guaranteed by the customary Israeli lies and obstacles and the fact that the Arab Peace Initiative will not be discussed. A final comprehensive peace treaty between the Israelis and the Arabs has no support in the U.S. Congress or by any of the Presidential candidates who’ve already pledged their allegiance to the Israeli flag due to the powerful Zionist lobby. The American people have been deliberately marginalised and uninformed lest they come to the conclusion that it’s time for America to push Israel into realistic and concrete concessions based on all pertinent U.N. Resolutions and International Law. The only concrete statement this conference could make is: ‘See you next summit, next summit, next summit.’
Mohd. Salahuddin
Mulund (W), Mumbai