Kudos to Justice VB Gupta of Delhi High Court for his unprecedented order for sending an Additional & Session Judge back to Law-school for learning basics of law, and ordering a copy of the order to be placed on personal file of the erring judge apart from sending it to all judicial officers of Delhi as a guide for caution. Transparency International has detected high level of corruption in judicial system of India, and the same was established by a sting-operation when a trial-court (not in Delhi) issued non-bailable warrants against even President and Chief Justice of India. Under such circumstances, this matter should be examined by vigilance authorities also because the concerned judge crossed all limits even by defying High Court ruling on the matter. Best is to snatch judicial powers from him for ever.
Fortunately enough, such a monitoring system exists with High Court judges empowered to have a vigilant eye on functioning of trial-court judges but limiting judicial accountability but for lower courts only. Accountability in higher courts should also be established by constituting a Supreme Judicial Council.
Subhash C. Agrawal