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Published on

August 10, 2022

The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt condemned the storming of the Aqsa Mosque, the desecration of its courtyards, and the attack on the worshipers and continuing offences in which the whole world is responsible for. The grave threats to destruct the blessed Aqsa Mosque have become a reality, threatening its existence, violating the sanctity and brushing aside the status of the first Qiblah and the third of the Two Holy Mosques. Whilst one billion two hundred million Muslims witness without any interference from the Arab and Islamic regimes the continued cruelty and arrogance of Israel continues unabated. The world’s continued silence and in particular the Muslim and Arab world’s regime bears much shame where their actions assert suspicion of consent with the Israeli practises who do not show respect for any human’s heritage and continue to infringe on the rights of others.