Share It with the World

Share It with the World

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July 21, 2022

Auron ka hai Payaam aur, mera Payaam aur hai, / Ishq key dardmand ka tarz-e-kalaam aur hai! (Iqbal)

This way, we would share with the world a fuller awareness of the wonderful things God Almighty has designed for them – including this most amazing of all greetings Assalaamu Alaikum! A greeting that is not just for morning, or just for evening, or just for night, or just for day, or just for coming, or just for going. But a greeting that is serviceable in all times of day and night, in all situations and occasions, in any part or climate or culture of the world.

It is all part of the Rahmah of the Rahman and Rahim that he sent down through his beloved Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. A prophet about whom he declared that he himself is Rahmat for all the worlds. The expression is plural worlds, with an “s” at the end. I don’t know what it means. For, I can’t even fathom what the singular, world, means.

So, let us from today on not only repeat the greetings of Assalaamu Alaikum, as we normally do, but also make everyone everywhere aware of how profound, how thorough, how complete, how comprehensive, how timely, how perfect and how wonderful that greeting is, and how it is in fact better than anything else that this world has to offer.

How it holds the key to happiness, wellbeing and success in both worlds. And how it could not have been the creation of a human mind.

We must do so not to boast and brag but to simply let everyone know that Islam is the most wonderful gift from God Almighty himself – for all human beings; for all time; and for all places and environments. And for all else in all the worlds and universes (if it makes sense to use that expression) that may be in existence.



And in doing this, let us redefine our identity and role in the world. And let us go down in history as the relentless, indefatigable makers, movers and marketers of Salaam! Regardless of what others may say about us: those who misunderstand us; those who wish us ill; those wish to steal from us; and those who are our declared enemies.

Let us define our own identities. Let us not let our enemies define them for us. Let us let the world know that we are people of Salaam, peace and love and not people of hate, malice and ill-will.

Let the world know us as those who are preoccupied to the point of obsession with the wording and meaning and implications of this wonderful notion of Salaam. How the wellbeing of the world is our business. For, if we do not take effective steps to define ourselves, we will end up being defined by others. And that is what has happened to us over the years and centuries. Muslims have been defined and re-defined continually by others. They are being defined and redefined by people who are moved either by their own personal and political reasons and agendas or by their ignorance, arrogance and naiveté! One way in which others have defined us is by associating the words terror and terrorism with Islam and Muslims.



Did you ever wonder how often and in how many different ways this association gets repeated and reinforced in a given day by how many different sources in how many different channels of public and private communication?

Well, do some math. Count up the numbers. Then you will know that what I am doing is a one-man counter-Crusade, pardon the expression, to redefine Muslim identity. And I am doing that along more factual terms as the people of Salaam.

I am taking on the vast and virulent anti-Islam and in many instances mindless anti-Muslim propaganda and hate-mongering alone, all by myself, with my counter-campaign of Salaam. And, in the process, I am trying to re-point – a bit of satellite imagery, if you don’t mind – the Muslims themselves in the right direction – the direction of Salaam. So that they will become a Rahmat for this world, even as their Rasul, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, was a Rahmat for all the worlds!

That is what this whole discussion of Salaam is – over and over again. That is what I am trying to accomplish – desperately and at times, it seems to me, almost hopelessly. And what could be a more appropriate key to that world of Rahmat than the key of Salaam?

Therefore, what I am doing is trying to show the organic and unbreakable connection that exists between Islam and Muslims on the one hand and this most amazing concept and culture of Salaam on the other hand. Thus, incidentally, I am also trying to expose the spuriousness of the connection others have created between Islam and Muslims on the one hand and such nefarious notions as terror and terrorism on the other hand.

So, if it occurs to you at any time that I am repeating things, just add up the times and ways in which the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim propagandists and hate-mongers repeat things and see for yourself if our repeating of Salaam approaches even a fraction of their non-stop repeating and reinforcing of anti-Salaam.



Therefore, become a convert to Salaam if you aren’t one already. Be a partner in promoting Salaam to yourself, your family, your neighborhood and the whole world. Be a partner and helper in this great nation-building, world-changing enterprise of Salaamism? That is right, that is what this business of loving, promoting and working for Salaam is. It is Salaamism.

If you embrace the message and culture of Salaamism, then buttonhole everyone everywhere and give them Salaam and proceed to flood their consciousness with all the beautiful things that this little word Salaam stands for.

Do what the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, asked you to do: “Go forth and spread Salaam!” Afshus-Salaam! That means, go, change the world – using the little divine expression Salaam and all the Rahmat and all the blessings and all the Barakaat Allah Almighty has packed in it.

Ask yourself what you can do to promote Salaamism in the world. What practical steps will you take to Afshu some Salaam wherever you are and however you can? Ask yourself if you are a Salaamist, and if you are one, in what way are you a Salaamist?

If you are, then go fill the world with Salaam! If you are not, then become a Salaamist! Be a Salaamist. Live the life of a Salaamist. Work to make everyone a Salaamist!

That identity was given to you by God Almighty. It was he who made you a Salaamist. Let your enemies eat their hearts out. For, if you are a Muslim your identity is not terror or terrorism, your identity is Salaam, given to you by God himself.



Huwa Sammaakumul Muslimeen, says God in the Qur’an. Proudly tell the world you are a Salaamist. Actively invite everyone to be a Salaamist. And in every way you can, be a Salaamist. Pack the world with Salaam: a supreme gift from the most loving, kind, sweet, caring, doting, merciful master of all of us, someone who calls himself As-Salaam.

Tell the world that this Salaam is from him! Just like the Qur’an says: Salaamun Qauwlam Mir-Rabbir Rahim! And Tahiyyatan Min ‘Indillahi, Mubaarakatan, Tayyibatan! Greetings from God Almighty, blessed and beautiful! Nothing less! That means Salaam, Salaam everywhere. Salaam here and Salaam there. That means Salaam now, then and forever. And that means Salaam for one and Salaam for all.

That means Salaam in this world and Salaam in the next world. That means Salaam in body, mind and spirit. And that means Salaam at home, at work and at play.

That means Salaam in our culture, education and civilization. And Salaam in our society and its institutions. That means Salaam in our commerce, politics and sports. And Salaam in our industry, health field and entertainment world. That means Salaam in our justice and law enforcement systems. And Salaam in our defense forces and in our bureaucracy.

That means Salaam within and Salaam without each one of us. And that means Salaam with oneself, with one’s surroundings, with one’s neighbors and with one’s world.

And of course, above all else, that means Salaam with one’s maker, owner and master: Rabbul ‘Aalameen! This is a story of Salaam on top of SalaamSalaaman Salaamaa, the eternal cry that will ring around Paradise.

The enemies of Salaam don’t have it. And they don’t believe in it. That is why they would rather paint you and Islam with the broad brush of terror and terrorism regardless of whether it is true or false. That would act as an excuse for them to steal your wealth and your land. It will also act as a cover and an excuse for their own terror and violence against you and keep you perpetually on the defensive. So, cherish this message of Salaam and work to make it the new dominant culture in the world.