Shocking Indeed

It was shocking to see the visuals of the three terror suspects paraded by the Delhi police before the media,

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June 22, 2022

It was shocking to see the visuals of the three terror suspects paraded by the Delhi police before the media, with their heads covered with apparel that reveals their Muslim identity.  It was a blatant attempt by the Delhi police to showcase Muslims as synonymous to terrorists.  There is no gainsaying that, there are a few disgruntled elements among Muslims getting bad name to their faith, but is it not equally true that black sheep does exist in all communities?  At the same time as some Muslim youth were arrested after pressure mounted on the police to show ‘results’ to bailout the Union Home minister, the hoodlums who were desecrating churches and attacking the Christian community in Orissa and Karnataka were conveniently tolerated.  What sort of hypocrisy is this?   Won’t such selective targeting affect the psyche of a vast majority of Muslims who abhor terrorism and who are as much peace-loving and patriotic as anyone else in the country.

Syed Sultan Mohiddin

Kadapa, A.P.