No Muslim in the world will tolerate any insult or disrespect to the holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be to him) as he is loved and revered by the Ummah – more than one’s parents and children. In today’s materialistic world, the basics of all major religions have diluted, so much so, that in the name of modernity and liberalism, people are least sensitive towards God and the prophets. In the garb of secularism, wanton belittling of the prophets and Holy Scriptures is no longer considered a taboo. But fortunately enough, the followers of Islam still uphold the morality of respecting their Holy Book and all the prophets sent by the creator. Though, for the followers of any religion, debate and dialogue are the best tools for understanding each other, criticism which hurts the feelings of a people shall not be tolerated. However, the assassination of the Punjab governor Salman Taseer in Pakistan by his own security guard Mumtaz Qadri is highly condemnable. The way the assassin is treated like a hero, even by some religious leaders of Pakistan is blameworthy. Because, mere showing sympathy to the alleged offender Aasia Bibi, a Christian labourer, or asking amendments (not repealing) to the blasphemy law in Pakistan does not make Salman Taseer an enemy of Islam.
Syed Sultan Mohiddin
Kadapa, A.P.