One hundred fifty persons were issued the invitation letter for the formation of Jamaat-e-Islami in August 1941. Seventy-five invitees responded to the invitation and reached Lahore. Some of them were already working in agreement to the constitution and objective to the Idara Darul Islam, Pathankot. The text of such an invitation letter, dated 7 Rajjab, 1360 A.H., addressed to Mr. Chaudary Abdul Ghani, Chak Gahlam Dist. Lahore by Mr. Qamruddin, from the office of the famous Islamic monthly Tarjumanul Quran, Mubārak Park, Poonchch Road, Lahore is as follows:
“Your letter brought pleasure to me that you are busy in publishing and spreading our views. Your method is also good and proper. Now please write in detail what you have done up till now and about the few persons trained – what they do and how they are useful for the movement. Please write in detail about yourself as well. Please keep yourself in close tie to the centre. InshaAllāh, you will be in know of necessary details in future. A meeting is to be held on August 25. It is meant to gather the like-minded believers and assess their abilities and potentialities, and spur the movement in an organised manner. You are invited to participate in the first ever meeting of the Jamaat”.