The American Trap — Will We Fall in It?

Eternal vigil is the price of freedom and we have to be over vigilant to safeguard our hard-earned freedom. It is ironic that India, which celebrated its 60th Independence Day this month, should be compromising its independence, partially at least, by willingly accepting the dangerous provisions of Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with the USA.

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June 11, 2022

Eternal vigil is the price of freedom and we have to be over vigilant to safeguard our hard-earned freedom. It is ironic that India, which celebrated its 60th Independence Day this month, should be compromising its independence, partially at least, by willingly accepting the dangerous provisions of Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with the USA.

The country is virtually divided on this. It is not only the Left parties or the BJP that are opposing it. Intellectuals also are sharply divided on the dangerous implications of this deal. When the global policies of US administration in the recent past are studied, they appear to be oriented towards strengthening US interests and perpetuating its influence as long as it is possible. The US foreign policy experts have not kept secret their plans of perpetuating US hegemony.

The US administration swears by freedom, democracy and human rights. But its policies reveal the hollowness of these slogans. Now the US has become the greatest source of economic and political exploitation of weaker nations.

The world is watching in horror what type of democracy is being promoted in Iraq and Afghanistan; how human rights were protected in Abu Gharib and how human freedom is being honoured in Guntanamo. Broadly speaking, US policy is based on its selfish interest which is pursued by means of arms twisting, threats, intimidations, sanctions, regime change, subjugation and occupation. Development of weapons of mass destruction, arms race and wars also form an essential part of this policy.

Why did the US go to Vietnam – to protect its own so-called national and geo-political interests or to promote democracy? The results are there to see for the whole world. The entire region was devastated and 2 to 3 million people including 500,000 civilians were killed.

The same administration is guilty of subjugating West Asian nations and enslaving the entire population by supporting Israeli regime and imposing its hegemony on the entire region.

Now come to this 123 Agreement. It has potential of influencing our independent foreign policies. It is already evident from the fact that in IAEA not once but twice we voted against Iran blocking its legitimate nuclear energy ambitions. Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline also is in danger because the US is continuously arm twisting us to drop it. We were not allowed to negotiate with Syria for oil exploration because America does not like Syria and brands it as a part of axis of evil. America is not concerned about our ever increasing energy needs. It does not bother if our energy supplies from Iran and Middle East are curtailed.

Besides this US is mounting pressure on us to increase our military and strategic ties with it. It wants us to come under its shadow and act as its proxy wherever it wants it so. If tomorrow it attacks Iran, we may have to give it logistic and military support. It is working in a diplomatic way to suck us into its sphere of influence. Indian government should act very cautiously, keeping in view our long term interests, our independence and sovereignty. Being a democracy we should take the Left and the Opposition into confidence. We require an open and wide ranging debate on desirability or otherwise of further pursuing this agreement. The US should not be allowed to act as another East India Company to enslave us once again.