“If you want peace, prepare for war,” declared the new Israeli Foreign Minister. Coming from the mouth of the infamous Lieberman, it was a clear threat: the new government is entering upon a path of war, not of peace. With this sentence, Lieberman negated Netanyahu’s speech about his government’s commitment. He confirmed the worst apprehensions connected with the creation of this government. Actually Lieberman is really not a new phenomenon at all and that he simply brings to the surface traits that buried beneath a thick layer of hypocrisy. What is his solution to the historic Israeli-Arab conflict? In the past, he spoke about a regime of areas for the Palestinians. They will live in several enclaves in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which will be disconnected from each other and dominated by Israel. No Palestinian State, of course, no Arab East Jerusalem. This is not so far from the ideas of Sharon, nor from those of Netanyahu, who declares that the Palestinians will “govern themselves” – of course without a state, without a currency, without control of the border crossings, without harbours and airports. The strategy of all of them is to prevent the creation of a normal, free and viable Palestinian state.
Safiya Sameena
Vijaywada. A.P.