The Testimony of Eminent Historians

Almost all the eminent historians have refuted the charge that Babri Masjid was built after demolishing a temple. Renowned historian Prof. R.S. Sharma’s book, Communal History and Ram’s Ayodhya was published in May 1990

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August 16, 2022

Almost all the eminent historians have refuted the charge that Babri Masjid was built after demolishing a temple. Renowned historian Prof. R.S. Sharma’s book, Communal History and Ram’s Ayodhya was published in May 1990 by People’s Publishing House, is an authentic and important book on the subject. Prof. R.S. Sharma was head of the department of ancient history, Delhi University. Prof. Sushil Shrivastav, Reader Faculty of History, Allahabad University; Dr. B.N. Pande, famous historian and former Governor of Orissa; Dr. Surinder Kaur, author of the book, The Secular Emperor – Babar; Prof. Suraj  Bhan; Prof. Irfan Habib; Prof. Satish Chandra; Prof. Romila Thapar; Prof. Bipin Chandra; Dr. R.L. Shukla; Dr. K.S. Chaudhry; Dr. S. Gopal, S/o Dr. Radhakrishnan, former President of India; Prof. K.N. Panikkar; Dr. Harbans Mukhia; S.S. Bhattacharia; Dr. R.N. Verma; Suvira Jaiswal; Dr. Meenakshi; Dr. Dilbagh Singh; S.F. Ratnagar; Dr. Yodesh Sharma; K.K. Trivedi; and Prof. Athar Ali are of the same view.

On this topic Prof. R.S. Sharma, Prof D. N. Jha, Prof. Suraj Bhan and Prof. Athar Ali have jointly written a scholarly book, Ramjanmbhoomi – Babri Masjid- A historical Report to the Nation. Famous historians like Prof. Suraj Bhan, Prof. R.S. Sharma, Prof. D.N. Jha have expressed similar views in their scholarly articles in The Hindu, 10.11. 1992 and Frontline, 6. 11. 1992.

Twenty-four eminent historians of the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University had, in a joint document, rejected the false and baseless claim. This historic document was published in several journals of Delhi, including Radiance 14.1.1990. All India History Congress was of the same view. Prof S. Gopal said, “There are 30 spots in Ayodhya today which are claimed to be the birth places of Ramchandraji” (Indian Express, Bangalore 20.12. 1989).

G Hasnain Kaif

Bhandra, M.S.