The Women Who Rock the Cradle Rules the World

Mothers play a pivotal role in shaping the society, especially through the lives of their children, where they serve as powerful role models.

Written by

Dr Saba Taj

Published on

October 10, 2023

In his classic poem, ‘What Rules the World’, William Ross Wallace said the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. The poem illustrates the power of motherhood and how a mother can change the world by raising their children and shaping the society. Women have capability of nation building; they can bring changes across generations and make this world a better place to live in.

Today, women are playing extraordinary roles in all fields; their hard work and dedication have allowed them to mark their identityacross the world. Undeniably today no field is left to be conquered by women, but the role of women as mothers is one of the unique roles only women can play. This uniqueness of women is God-gifted. It is an opportunity and a privilege by God to a woman to give life to another human being.

Women also havea different role to play; they can be entrepreneurs, policymakers, educators, etc., but the role of women as mothers is very important.It is said, “Women are one half of society which gives birth to the other half so it is as if they are the entire society.”— Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Women give birth to childrenand raise them. They are the first influencers and supporters of children. They help childrenin theirdevelopment – physical, social, mental, cognitive, communication, relationship and independency. They become teachers as well as influencers; they put values and ethics in children and introduce them to the society as assets.

The power of motherhood and its capability to bring extensive changes across the generation can be seen through the life of great personalities. APJ Abdul Kalam is known as the missile man of India.His mother influenced his life very much.He learned faith in goodness and kindness from his mother. His upbringing never made him feel like differentiating between people of different religions. Abraham Lincon once said about his mother, “All that I am or hope to be, I owe it all to my mother.” That is, there is no way we would be the person that we are today without the sacrifice, motivation and love from our mothers.

We have many examples where women as mothers played a very important role in the life of leaders, by raising their children without any barrier. By their contribution to making their homes, communities and society at large they can be nationbuilders.

In his book, “Mother Made the Difference”, T.D. Jakesmentions the role of mothers as timeless teachers and influential educators. “Mothers have often shaped our world from the cradle, by rocking, nurturing and instructing children to grow up to make life changing and history-making accomplishments. For every person, there is a mother behind who fostered her child’s sensibilities to their full potential.”

Mothers play a pivotal role in shaping the society, especially through the lives of their children, where they serve as powerful role models. The love, care and teachings they provide create a ripple effect that extends beyond our homes, influencing future generations and making a lasting difference in our community.