The modern world, in spite of improved quality of life in many developed countries, is faced with increased dangers of wars and conflicts. The main reason for this is the human desire to dominate upon other persons and greed to have more wealth and power. This basic weakness in the past produced tyrants like Genghes, Hitler, Mussolini and Bush in recent times. The Western countries could not free themselves from this weakness in spite of paying continuous lip service to peace, human rights and liberty. They are the largest producers of weapons of mass destruction. Their leaders always stoke fires of conflict in the developing countries. It was they who installed dictators and used them to suppress their populations.
Unfortunately the world is spending a staggering amount of more than $1000 billion on military preparations under the innocent-looking name of defence. A big chunk of military hardware is being sold to oil producing Arab countries. It is unbelievable but true that between 2001 and 2008 Saudi Arabia purchased arms worth $34.9 billion. Surprisingly, this amount is double of what the two largest countries China and India spent on military purchases during the same period.
Last year the Muslim world was shocked to learn that U.S. pressurised Saudi Kingdom to sign a very fat contract worth $60 billion for arms supply. What a staggering amount is being spent by a country whose total population is less than 2 crore, on wasteful military hardware. The goodwill Saudi Arabia wields among the Muslims of the world for housing the Masjid-e-Haram and Masjid-e-Nabavi is more than enough for its protection. Why this amount should not be spent on welfare of Muslim countries and Muslim communities all over the world and also for the poor people of other faiths. Saudi Arabia has no border disputes with any country. One wonders why such gigantic amounts are being doled out to U.S. for purchase of obsolete and useless arms which give more strength to U.S. and Israel.
Same has been the story of U.A.E which is planning to spend $6 billion on military preparations. U.A.E purchased arms worth $10 billion during the last decade.
America uses the bogey of Iran to pressurise oil rich Arab countries to make more arms purchases. This is why it does not want democracy in Muslim countries. If the Muslim populations come to wield real power, they will end the American game. Therefore power should be restored to people so that they may come out of the trap prepared by the merchants of death.