Yet another disgusting and utterly absurd bill is on its way in Kerala. The Commission on Rights and Welfare of Women and Children of Kerala has proposed Rs 10,000 fine or three months simple imprisonment as a penalty for impregnating your wife for the third time. The recommendation made by the commission is intended to encourage population planning for the ‘well-being’ and ‘development’ of the children. The Kerala Women’s Code Bill 2011 says that the violation of family norms will be considered legal disqualification and the parents will not be considered eligible to receive any benefits from the government. The Bill also insists that the political and religious outfits should not be allowed to discourage population planning.
The report reads, “No person or institution shall use religion, region, sect, cast, cult or other ulterior inducements for the bearing of more children” and it also says that medically safe contraceptives and instructive literature should be available free at the time of marriage and safe abortion should be made free.
The recommendation once again points out to the ‘short-sightedness’ of the people, considering population responsible for the underdevelopment and poverty, which however has never been and is not the case. It is unfortunate that the commission is unable to see that it is only the poor distribution system and mass scale corruption that is causing underdevelopment, poverty and destitution and it has nothing to do with the population or the much created hype and myth of “population explosion”.