Time Management

Reading is a key and basic managerial skill for all of us and we have to be selective in reading material since life is indeed very short both in comparison to thousands of years of human history as well as what we want to achieve. This is where we are required to make a balance…

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August 23, 2022

Reading is a key and basic managerial skill for all of us and we have to be selective in reading material since life is indeed very short both in comparison to thousands of years of human history as well as what we want to achieve. This is where we are required to make a balance between unlimited subjects of study and the most limited resource of time available to us.

In addition, after making a few simple calculations, we can see that every second of a Mominis of infinite value as he is to receive perpetual (or infinite) rewards in the Hereafter in exchange of his good deeds while for one who expects no (or zero) reward in the hereafter, the net future value of his present life, however long it might be, is equal to zero.

Students of mathematics write

(In the first case)

Infinity(Unlimited rewards) divided by anything finite(life span of a Momin) equals Infinity.

That is to say that the relative value of a Momin’s life (be it converted to any smallest of the small units) is infinite.

(In the second case)

Zero (or negative rewards meaning punishment) divided by anything finite(life span of faithless) equals zero.

That is to say that the faithless life however long it might be has to be finite and has a final value less than or equal to zero.

As a further clarification on this it may be mentioned that the faithless ‘buylife of the world at the price of the Hereafter’ (Qur’ān2:86) while those who strive in the way of Allah ‘sell the life of this world for the other’ (Qur’ān4:74).

The above being the facts plain and clear, everyone should strive to achieve the spiritual as much as he desires and the material as much as he desires. It is as much Islamic and important to study technical or professional courses proficiently as to study the Qur’ān and Hadees, which prescribe making a legitimate earning and ambition part of one’s religion.

To the utter dismay of the guardians most of today’s youth are passing their time instead of utilising it i.e. managing properly.

The following are a few tips for you on time management:

– You should ‘plan your work and work your plan’. Do not be carried away thinking planning does not ensure actual execution. A good planner looks for current alternatives when the previous plans do not work out.

-While exceptions can be there, have a daily routine of things and make checklists of activitiesplanned for the day at least mentally at the start of same day or the close of previous day.

-Have a collection of self improvement books besides the Qur’ānand Hadees to guide you.

-Avoid distractions(useless or satanic activities) coming in the way of your plan to the maximum extent.

-Analyse the shortcomings in your personality and have a plan to continuously review and improve upon the same.

-Have a look at ‘Basic Managerial Skills for All’ by E.H. McGrath, S.J. (published by Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi-110001).You will love to have it not only for yourself but for all your near and dear ones. Look for other good books on the topic.