Towards United Human Brotherhood

Towards United Human Brotherhood

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August 8, 2022

The global village we are living in is inhabited by around seven billion souls belonging to various religions and faiths. The Muslims account for one fourth of this vast ocean of humanity. The long cherished dream of uniting the whole human brotherhood on the basis of moral and ethical principles is yet to be realised. The religions of the world broadly agree on more than 90 per cent fundamental beliefs and concepts. The disagreement is not in the essence but the details, not in principles but their interpretation, implementation and human approach. If the religions of the world come together, they can certainly play a vital role in realising the goal of a united human brotherhood and a peaceful and progressive world.

India which houses one-sixth of humanity, and has as its citizens the adherents of all major religions, took a lead when the Islamists and followers of other religions of the world came on a single platform in New Delhi on February 20-21.

The historic conference witnessed a galaxy of religious leaders from India and abroad, extolling the merits of tolerance, understanding, mutual respect and cooperation among the adherents of religions to build a hate-free and peaceful world.

The conference stressed the importance of common points which are shared by all religions namely belief in God, belief in essential oneness and goodness of man, accountability of man before God and need of moral and ethical principles for successful conduct of human life on earth. It gave a clarion call to the world to unite on the basis of this common heritage of entire humanity.

This conference was a powerful refutation of Samuel Huntington’s theory of clash of civilizations which, according to him, is going to happen any moment. There is no denying the fact that misuse of religion or its narrow interpretation has often led to storms of hatred, unending conflicts and even bloody wars among different religions or even among the followers of the same religion. But in fact the religion per se has neve been responsible for it as it is against the basic spirit of religion. Religion came to unite not to divide the humanity. It does not raise but demolishes walls between man and man and community and community. It opens the doors of mutual understanding and cooperation for promoting good and defeating evil.

For the conflict-torn, war-weary world time is ripe for a united effort of the religions of the world to build a new world order based on moral principles. The people of the whole world are disappointed because of the politicians who divide and rule. They are looking to religious leaders who can build bridges of understanding and open vistas of cooperation to save the world.

God is One, humanity is one, human nature is essentially same and we have inherited the same earth and destiny and final abode is same. Then why there should be conflict and strife? Let the religions of the world join hands, join hearts and heart within and God overhead try to build a moral and ethical world and ensure a better future for our future generations. This is the objective of Allah in creating humanity. Our success lies in achieving this objective before our final return to Him.