In the last 10 years about 1,000 people – both Indian and Bangladeshi nationals – were shot dead by the Border Security Force (BSF), posted at West Bengal-Bangladesh borders, reports said. The 81-page report “Trigger Happy”: Excessive use of force by Indian troops in Bangladesh – compiled by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) – was released in Kolkata by HRW, Adhikar – a Dhaka-based organisation and MASUM, an organisation working in the bordering areas of Bengal. “Even if people smuggle cattle or any other goods, the offence does not amount to killing. There should be punishment commensurate to the crime and the people should be brought to the magistrate. The standing procedure of BSF – shoot-to-kill – should be changed,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, Director of South Asia division of HRW. Ganguly said that a number of those who were shot dead by the BSF were smuggling cattle, but shooting people for such an offence is violation of human rights.”Since there is a curfew-like situation anyone who is at a wrong place at a wrong time is shot at. Many of them are out in open to defecate when they are sought,” she added.
In the last 10 years about 1,000 people – both Indian and Bangladeshi nationals – were shot dead by the Border Security Force (BSF),