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August 8, 2022

European Union president Spain declared that Turkey belonged to Europe. “Turkey is a part of the European family of peoples,” Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said. He voiced hope to open accession talks with Ankara soon in four new policy areas and see progress in a dispute between Turkey and Cyprus which is blocking Ankara’s bid. Spain’s backing for Turkey comes as young Europeans are increasingly supporting Ankara’s membership bid. A poll conducted in five European countries found that young Europeans are increasingly backing Turkey’s EU membership. This does not mean that this support from Spain and the increasing number of young Europeans will automatically pave the way for the Turkey’s membership of European Union. There are many hurdles to be crossed including the opposition led by France and Germany. Two things are basically keeping out of this conglomerate. One is the religion and religion-based cultures. Another fear of the Christian Europe is that its population of 71 million would make it the second-largest country in the bloc.