Scottish anti-war activist and actor Gerard Kelly has accused the British government of being hypocritical over the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in its policy towards Iran. “It is the height of hypocrisy that we ask Iran to obey the non-proliferation treaty yet our own government blatantly disregards it by commissioning a replacement for Trident,” Kelly said. “Once again, it’s do as we say, not as we do,” he said in sending a message of support to protesters forming a ‘peace chain’ around Britain’s Trident nuclear submarine base at Faslane, Scotland. The protest marked the 40th anniversary of nuclear missiles being based there, BBC reported. Double Oscar winning actress, Emma Thompson referred to her message to the dangers of Britain upgrading its nuclear weapons system in defiance of its commitment to disarm under the NPT. Among members of the Scottish parliament speaking at the protest was Scottish Nationalist Bill Kidd, who criticized the British government for basing the country’s nuclear weapons in Scotland in defiance of public opinion.
Scottish anti-war activist and actor Gerard Kelly has accused the British government of being hypocritical over the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in its policy towards Iran.