Varun’s Diatribe

Varun Gandhi has succeeded in getting all the attention by his outrageously communal tirade. While he has enraged Sikhs and Muslims, every right thinking person has been shocked. Bharatiya Janata Party leaders have openly expressed disapproval of this style of communal campaigning.

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July 1, 2022

Varun Gandhi has succeeded in getting all the attention by his outrageously communal tirade. While he has enraged Sikhs and Muslims, every right thinking person has been shocked. Bharatiya Janata Party leaders have openly expressed disapproval of this style of communal campaigning. One BJP leader has even threatened to disassociate himself from Varun’s campaign. Apparently a “highly objectionable slang used by Varun in his reference to Muslims could just spark off a violent communal clash.”

Muslim leaders should realise that the Varun brigade is provoking the Muslim community to react. Restraint is what needs to be exercised by Muslims. Communal harmony should be maintained. Let not Varun Gandhi succeed where the worst terrorists have failed. Let not Muslims fall into the trap and be provoked. They should follow the example of Hindus who refused to be provoked by any number of terror attacks..

Dr. Mookhi Amir Ali

Mumbai, Maharashtra