Venomous Communalism

Varun Gandhi’s highly inflammatory vitriolic anti-Muslim speech is both obnoxious and unpardonable. It has added fuel to the raging fire of communalism.

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July 2, 2022

Varun Gandhi’s highly inflammatory vitriolic anti-Muslim speech is both obnoxious and unpardonable. It has added fuel to the raging fire of communalism. His venom is decidedly quite contradictory to his illustrious great grandfather and founder leader of India, Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision of a liberal and secular India and shame to the glorious Nehruvian ethics and legacy. His diatribe against the Muslim community flowing with concentric poison, vituperative, malicious and abusive remarks against Muslims betray his shocking communal mindset. It has clearly laid bare the highly communal feelings of BJP and Sangh Parivar exponents of Hindutva.

Dr. M.H. Kidwai

Ex-MP, Delhi