Ever since Barack Husain Obama won the election of the ‘melting’ – no more melting pot as it is often known – United States there has been fear that its policy would shift from Iraq towards Iran and Palestine as the Blacks, the Jews and other minorities often form the backbone of the Democrats. This notwithstanding the fact that on the individual level many Black Americans do support the cause of Arabs. So the attack on Gaza, which left more than 500 killed is a natural corollary of the change of guard in the United States.
It is not that the Israelis have not attacked the Arabs during the rule of George Bush I & II or the past Republican regimes. They have done so with impunity times without number with the western powers, some openly and some tacitly, supporting them. Only in July-August 2006 the Zionist nation criminally launched a full-fledged land, air and naval attack on Lebanon, which led to the killing of thousands of innocent men, women and children. It was the solid resistance by the Iranian-backed Hizbullah, which stopped their further intrusion into that country.
However, the attack this time is somewhat different. Once again the immediate provocation was the killing of a couple of Israelis in the rocket attack by Hamas. But the real reason was something else. The air-strikes began 25 days before Obama’s final take over as the US President. Secondly, it started three months and a half after the collapse of four major American banks and the subsequent meltdown of the US and western economies.
The weakening of the United States and western economies will naturally affect Israel and other western allies. Before the meltdown really had its impact it is better to hit and destroy the potent enemies so that in future they do not pose any more problem. Besides, whipping up the war-hysteria is the best way to distract the attention of the people. Apparently this war seems to be more than safe for the West, especially the United States, as there is hardly any likelihood of the American and European casualties.
Unlike in Iraq and Afghanistan where the American and western forces are getting killed, maimed, injured and traumatised and thus have a psychological impact on the society at home, there is no such fear in the war around the borders of Israel.
After having effectively silenced the neighbouring Arab countries – there is no Arab-Israel War after 1973 – the Zionists have been left to deal with what they call the non-state actors like Hizbullah and Hamas. What is strange and ironical is that today their greatest enemy is not the Arab countries whose land they have usurped but Iran, who has apparently no territorial or cultural dispute whatsoever with Israel. In fact if there is any country with which the Israelis really fear is Iran and the recent attacks on Hamas or the past attack on Hizbullah are also signals to that non-Arab country. It is to take on Iran in the future that US and Israel have befriended Georgia in the north and have established bases there. This despite protests from Russia, which had a dispute with it.
Shia Iran was the rare Muslim country with which Israel had a very cordial relationship till Ayatullah Khomeini-led Islamic Revolution of February 11, 1979. The new Iranian regime took a U-turn. It declared the United States the Greatest Satan and Israel an illegitimate state. Those were the days when Anwar Sadat was first secretly and then openly dealing with the Israelis. The larger Palestinian issue was left more or less unresolved and Egypt got Sinai back from Israel. The Zionist state occupied it in 1967.
However, in 1990s the Palestinians got a rump state without any permission to keep an independent army. They were forced to accept a deal because they were betrayed by the leaders of almost all the big Arab countries. With the so-called western-education and western spouses they did everything to turn the entire Arab land into the western empire – the best thing the US, Israel and European powers wanted. That the Arab leaders since the creation of Israel on May 14, 1948 do not really want to fight Israel can now be proved by the resistance put by Hizbullah and Hamas. These organisations are not independent countries with full-fledged armies, still they have repeatedly given Israelis a bloody nose. In contrast the well-armed armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon often gave in without effective resistance.
Similarly it was the surrender of the old secular outfits like Al-Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, etc. that led to the emergence of Hamas in the Palestinian territory. Similarly Hizbullah came into existence during the Lebanese civil war in which Israel openly sided with the Christian groups.
Today the whole Middle East politics has changed. The struggle is just not for territory as it is generally made out, but it is more for the view, ideology and faith. It is a war without frontier and not just for certain territory. And it is an established fact that a country can win a territory easily, but not overcome any ideology or faith.
The issue is not whether Israel as a country should exist or not or should the Jews, as human beings, be allowed to live in the territory, where they claim they have their roots. Zionist Israel is not just simply a state with sovereignty, population, government and land. It is something else, which is the root cause of all the trouble. It was created with the sinister design of the West to nip in the bud any future threat to the imperialism of Europe and the United States. And, as per expectation, this state repeatedly acts as the policeman of the West. The 150 years old long Zionists-Christianised West alliance stand as a testimony to this fact.
The bottom line seems to be that the latest attack on Hamas is not just a heinous act of international terrorism – which some countries did meekly condemn while its allies supported the action – but also reflects the deep frustration and panic in the West as well as Israel. Before losing a prolong war the defeated enemy often launches a massive counter-attack to prove that it is still powerful. But the ultimate result is always something different.