Weekends Therapy: Embracing Joy and Fulfilment in Your Days of Rest

Mohd. Ziyaullah Khandiscovers ways to enjoy the weekends to the fullest and writes that, by following the key takeaways from weekend therapy, you can design a weekend experience that nourishes your mind, body, and soul.

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Mohd. Ziyaullah Khandiscovers ways to enjoy the weekends to the fullest and writes that, by following the key takeaways from weekend therapy, you can design a weekend experience that nourishes your mind, body, and soul.

Come Friday, I start my weekend, the most awaited days of my life. People in the five days work culture have a lot of things to catch up on. It’s not less festive time and I make sure that I leverage these two days the most.  The weekend is a highly anticipated time for many people. After a long and busy week, it provides a much-needed opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfilment. However, sometimes we find ourselves clueless about how to make the most of these precious days. In this article, we will explore key takeaways from the concept of “weekend therapy” and discover ways to enjoy the weekends to the fullest.


Engaging in community and charity activities is a meaningful way to spend your weekends. It not only provides a sense of fulfilment and purpose but also allows you to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Here are some ways to get involved in community and charity activities during your weekends. These include Volunteer at Local Organisations, Participate in Fundraising Events for good causes, support local causes, mentorship and tutoring (knowledge and skill sharing), environmental initiatives and Spread Kindness, to name a few.

It tops on this list, as it remains close to my heart, as community and charity activities can be tailored to your interests and skills. Find a cause or organisation that resonates with you and dedicate your time and energy to making a difference. By participating in these activities during your weekends, you not only contribute to the betterment of society but also experience personal growth and fulfilment.

This was big, yet, you can find a few smaller things to try in your weekend, as everyone wants to take longer naps. Try a few smaller ventures and count them in your weekends and experience them not more than a therapy.


Disconnect from the constant stream of technology and give yourself a break from the digital world. Make a conscious effort to limit your screen time and keep gadgets at bay for as long as possible. This practice allows you to be fully present and immerse yourself in other activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. My senior friends from different circles exhort a lot on this point.


Make the most of your mornings by starting the day early. Embrace the tranquillity of the morning blues and connect with nature. Step out to your terrace or a nearby park to enjoy the fresh air and peaceful surroundings. Detoxify your body with warm water and bask in the cool breeze that sets a refreshing tone for the day.


Expand your knowledge and broaden your perspective by reading a newspaper. Newspapers and magazines tend to remain your intellectual food. Count on them!  Stay updated with current events and learn about what’s happening in your local community and around the world. Engaging with a wider lens helps you stay informed and aware of the world beyond your immediate surroundings.


Identify an activity that allows you to express yourself and dedicate time to it over the weekend. Whether it’s writing, painting, singing, or any other form of creative expression, engage in something that ignites your passion. It serves as a channel to tap into your inner creativity and brings a sense of fulfilment and purpose.


Reconnect with nature by spending time in your garden, visiting a nearby park, or engaging in activities that involve green spaces. Plant a tree, water the grass, or simply sit and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. The presence of flowing water nearby can enhance the calming effect and provide a serene environment for relaxation.


Immerse yourself in the world of art and culture by visiting a museum, art gallery, or theatre that showcases the rich heritage of India. Explore exhibitions that celebrate the rights and duties we possess as citizens. This experience not only enriches your knowledge but also fosters a sense of patriotism and pride in your country.


Make an effort to meet someone you haven’t seen in at least a month. Whether it’s a friend, a mentor, or a cousin, reconnecting with loved ones breaks the monotony and creates an opportunity for meaningful conversations. The insights and experiences shared during these interactions can bring a renewed sense of inspiration and connection.


Among the various activities, meditation holds a special place. Dedicate time to quiet reflection, mindfulness, and inner peace. Meditation helps to centre your thoughts, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. Embrace the practice and experience the profound benefits it brings to your life.


Weekends are not just days to rest and play but also an opportunity to embrace joy, fulfilment, and personal growth. By following the key takeaways from weekend therapy, you can design a weekend experience that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Embrace the simplicity of mornings, engage with knowledge and creativity, reconnect with nature, explore art and culture, and foster meaningful connections. Remember, the weekends are a time to recharge and pursue your dreams in your own unique way. Embrace the beauty of the weekend and savour the joy it brings to your life.