It refers to news about Jharkhand government withdrawing all kingly facilities to former Chief Ministers gradually within three months after their demitting office. Presently political rulers (Chief Ministers) in many states like Bihar and UP have gifted themselves with kingly post-retirement facilities at government-expense after their demitting offices. UP Chief Minister Mayawati is even said to have been spending crores of rupees for a bungalow she intends to live in after her retirement from the post of state Chief Minister. Evidently, even the opposition does not object to such unjustified spending because its own persons as retired Chief Ministers are to enjoy such kingly facilities.
Even at the Centre, short-duration Prime Ministers like IK Gujral and HD Devegowda are gifted with similar undue facilities. Rule should be to withdraw all post-retirement facilities to Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers as these facilities are proving a white elephant to public exchequers.
Madhu Agrawal