Where People Glorify God

“(Those who are directed to this Light) are found in the houses which Allah has enjoined to be raised and wherein His names are remembered; in them people glorify Him in the morning and in the evening, people whom neither commerce nor striving after profit diverts them from remembering Allah….”

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“(Those who are directed to this Light) are found in the houses which Allah has enjoined to be raised and wherein His names are remembered; in them people glorify Him in the morning and in the evening, people whom neither commerce nor striving after profit diverts them from remembering Allah….”

(Al-Qur’ān – 24:36-37)

Some commentators of the Qur’ān interpret the word ‘houses’ used in this ayah to mean mosques. Accordingly, they interpret the words ‘enjoined to be raised’ to mean constructing mosques and holding them in high esteem. Other commentators of the Qur’ān, however, consider these words to mean the houses of believers. As for the expression ‘to be raised’, this suggests that these houses are morally elevated.

The other part of the ayah, where it says ‘Allah has enjoined to be raised (houses) and wherein His names are remembered’, fits in well with the interpretation of ‘houses’ as mosques. However, with a little reflection one realises that this part of the ayah supports the second interpretation as well. For the Shari’ah does not restrict God’s worship only to those places designated for it where we may perform ritual worship only with the aid of the Imam.

In Islam the ordinary house is also a place of worship like the mosque. Since the Surah is full of directives aimed at elevating one’s family and social life, the latter interpretation seems more plausible. This does not, however, rule out the former interpretation altogether. It seems appropriate, therefore, to consider the word ‘houses’ to signify both mosques and the houses of the believers.