Why Hijabis Necessary

Today we see debates around why hijab is necessary, what will happen if we don’t do it, it is only a prison, an obstacle to freedom, etc. And I don’t know why people are involved in this debate.Before we see the worldly and hereafter benefits of hijab, we have to realise why we wear hijab.

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Hani Irshad Nawab

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Today we see debates around why hijab is necessary, what will happen if we don’t do it, it is only a prison, an obstacle to freedom, etc. And I don’t know why people are involved in this debate.Before we see the worldly and hereafter benefits of hijab, we have to realise why we wear hijab.

Whatever is ordered in the Qur’ān is obligatory for us and whatever is forbidden is forbidden. The veil has been ordered by Allah, the Most High.Thus, it is obligatory for us.  And Pardah is a constant act of worship.

The Qur’ān(33: 59) says:

يَٰٓأَيُّهَاٱلنَّبِىُّقُللِّأَزْوَٰجِكَوَبَنَاتِكَوَنِسَآءِٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَيُدْنِينَعَلَيْهِنَّمِنجَلَٰبِيبِهِنَّ ۚ ذَٰلِكَأَدْنَىٰٓأَنيُعْرَفْنَفَلَايُؤْذَيْنَ ۗ وَكَانَٱللَّهُغَفُورًارَّحِيمًا

(O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the women of the Muslims to hang the chador over you.  This will be a matter of recognition for them, then no one will harm them. And God is Forgiving, Merciful.)

In this āyah, Allah gives clear command to doHijab.In the beginning of this āyah, Allah orders to put a veil over oneself, and describes the purpose behind it:  that you should be recognised that you area believing woman and thus won’t be persecuted.

Allah, the Lord of the worlds, knows better than we do what is best for us and what isn’t. Thus, Hijab is a great blessing of Allah because Allah has liked it for us.

Allah says in Surah Dahr:اِنَّاهَدَيۡنٰهُالسَّبِيۡلَاِمَّاشَاكِرًاوَّاِمَّاكَفُوۡرًا‏(We have guided him now, even if he is grateful or he is ungrateful.)

Now it is up to us whether we accept Allah’s blessing (the veil) with our hearts and join the grateful servants of Allah, or join the ungrateful servants of Allah by rejecting this blessing.

Now imagine two girls walking along the road, one in abaya and the other in tight jeans; so, who will get dirty eyes and who will look back? Be sure, the one who wears hijab, people will look at her with respect, before looking at her, they will think ten times of her being a respectable girl, no one can ‘persecute’ her.

Your veil is more powerful than Z security.This is only a worldly benefit. Many such benefits are hidden in the hijab. Don’t you know that all valuable and priceless things are kept hidden, we ourselves keep our valuable jewellery in a locker or somewhere like that. Not only that, Allah has hidden precious things and kept them safe like pearls in an oyster in deep water in the ocean.No one can reach them easily.

In addition, minerals, gold, petrol, diesel, precious metals are all found hidden in the earth.Have you ever thought why it is found so deep? It is because it is all very valuable. And Allah wants to protect all of them. Just as pearls are not for everyone, but only for special people; similarly, a believing woman does not make herself public by showing herself to everyone. A believing woman is special to her husband, so she keeps herself hidden.

And just as Allah Almighty has protected those minerals;likewise, Allah has protected believing women through hijab. Hijab is ordered for believing women because Islam gives a dignity and respect to women and considers them valuable and priceless, that is why Allah Almighty has revealed this order for us in the Qur’ān.

Allah has made us special, not common. Allah has made us precious, so why are we behind making ourselves common?

A tradition in Sunan Abu Dawud says:

When the verse of hijab was revealed, some women knew it and some didn’t because the order of Hijabwas revealed at night, when the women came to Fajr prayer in the morning, they came with hijab and some women of Ansar did so without Hijab. They asked other women why they had come veiled in this way, then they were told that the verse of Hijab was revealed last night, so the Ansari women sought the chador from their housesbefore going back to their houses. They did not interact even for a moment after the order of Hijabhad come, although they could have gone without the Hijab.  As soon as they found out that Allah’s order had come, they surrendered immediately.

And people who argue today what is the need to wrap ourselves in such a prison, the veil is for the heart and the eyes, if our intention is good, then what is the need for the veil, must think over the verse of Surah Ahzab33: 59 cited above.

Here the first order is given to the Prophet’s wives to veil.From whom?From non-mahrams of that time, the Jalil-ul-Qadr companions like Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Hazrat Umar Farooq, Hazrat Uthman,  Hazrat Ali, etc. Can anyone be purer than them?When they did not bring the temptation of purifying the heart and intention in accepting the order of Allah, then why are we bringing it?

Next, in this verse, the Prophet’s daughters are told to cover themselves, is your role more than that of the Prophet’s daughters? Hazrat Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the Prophetﷺ, who took such care of her veil. It was bequeathed that her dead body should be taken at night so that no non-mahram could see it. Such Companions were also ordered to veil, so are you better than them?

Then all the believers have been ordered to veil. They were ordered to veil from every non-mahram, including the most exalted person in the world, our beloved Prophet, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  Allahu Akbar!

Can there be anyone purer than the Prophet? Do we consider ourselves better than the Companions of that time?

O my dear sisters, why are we in this discussion today that Hijabis only for the heart, when in this verse it is clearly ordered that believing women ought to veil themselves?

We Muslim women are the brand ambassadors of Islam. The veil is not just a dress code, it is the identity of Muslim women.

Uncovering is the weapon of Satan(shaitan).From Adam to the last human being who will be born before the Day of Resurrection, all human beings in the world, whether they belong to any colour, nation, race, nation, region, time, being the sons of Adam, all have one common enemy and that is Satan. He is the one who tempted Prophet Adam to disobey Allah, and He constantly tempts the children of Adam to disobey Allah, so that just as Adam was expelled from the Paradise, the children of Adam also meet the same fate.  So, if all human beings understand that the hand of Satan is behind every evil, this nakedness, this daring mixing of men and women, this indecency in the name of freedom, they would prevent themselves from falling into the hell. Today, Satan is giving great temptations in the name of nakedness to take us out of the heaven.

Do you know what is the reason for the percentage of adultery that is increasing day by day?

This nakedness, making oneself public to everyone, dressing oneself up as women at the times of ignorance used to do and going out in the name of freedom.

Allah Almighty said in the Qur’ān: “And do not go near adultery, indeed it is indecency and an evil way.” Surah Al-Isra (17), Verse 32.

In this āyah, Allah has called going near adultery a great immorality and a very bad way. When going near it has been called great immorality, think how big a sin it is.

Today it has become fashion to approach adultery, yes, the path women are taking today, this path of nakedness will only lead them to the destination of adultery. Hasn’t nakedness been made fashion today?

My dear ones, showing oneself like the women of the age of ignorance, this distance from hijab, this is the path of indecency which Allah Almighty has forbidden.

All these evils are removed by wearing Hijab, by following the order of Allah Ta’ala. When a girl goes out with her body covered properly, the pattern of her body is not visible, then no one will look at her wrongly, then adultery will never take place.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has cursed women who seduce others towards themselves.So, do we want to deserve the curse of the Prophet by practising nakedness?If you are speaking against hijab, it means you are speaking in favour of adultery!

When a woman leaves the house, Satanfollows her to take her in his trap and the only way to avoid his tactics is hijab, so we must wear hijab.

Today, many of our sisters ask the question that we are so beautiful, why should we hide ourselves? I would like to tell those sisters that one of the purposes of hijab is to hide the beauty. And the question is why?  So, every precious thing looks good while hidden only.

You must have seen how beautiful the rose is, but it has thorns, maybe people think why the rose has thorns, but it is not a defect, actually those thorns are its beauty. Allah Almighty has protected this delicate flower, similarly, our hijab is not a defect, it is not an obstacle, it is our real beauty, Allah Ta’ala has protected us fragile women through it.

Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is beautiful, very beautiful, and Allah Almighty has placed Himself in veil, and Allah Almighty has ordered women to veil.Why?  Because we are beautiful, Jameel. So, should we not be happy that our beloved Allah Ta’ala has ordered this?