Close down Mossad, FBI offices in India: Mushawarat

The All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) president Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan has expressed deep pain and concern over the bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.

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June 21, 2022

The All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) president Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan has expressed deep pain and concern over the bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.

In a statement released on July 28, while offering his sincere condolences to the family members of the innocent victims, Dr Khan said that no effort should be spared to nab the real culprits behind these dastardly crimes against the country and the people of India.

Dr Khan cautioned the police, security and intelligence agencies not to hurry to make statements or leak information until proper investigations are completed. He called upon these agencies and the central and state home ministries to probe all possible suspects and all possible beneficiaries from such crimes.

“A certain political party which has usurped the common plank of fighting terrorism is a sure beneficiary of such incidents in view of the forthcoming elections,” Dr Khan said and noted that these terrorist incidents are taking place in states ruled by this particular party and the chief minister of another state ruled by this party has already predicted that the next target of these crimes will be his state.

Dr Khan specifically said that Hindutva criminal and terrorist gangs, responsible for similar crimes in the recent past in places like Nanded, Parbhani, Tenkasi and Thane, should be included within the purview of the current and future probes into all terrorist acts in the country.

Dr Khan observed that such criminal gangs have received support from the Shiv Sena supremo and his newspaper Samna but the Maharashtra state authorities have failed to take any action to date against him or his newspaper for openly supporting and encouraging terrorism.

Dr Khan asked the central government to form a high powered neutral panel of retired judges, human rights activists, top lawyers and journalists to oversee the investigations into all terrorist acts. Such a neutral panel is needed to restore the Muslim community’s faith in the investigations by security and intelligence agencies which, due to their consistently one-sided probes after each such criminal act, have totally forfeited the confidence of the Muslim community.

Dr Khan also asked the central government to keep a sharp eye on the dubious activities of foreign intelligence agencies like Mossad and FBI which are operating freely in our country. He asked the central government to immediately close down the offices of all such foreign intelligence agencies as their presence on our soil is not in the interest of the peace and security of the country.


Conduct transparent enquiry into terror blasts: IMC-USA

Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA) has denounced in strongest possible terms the bomb blasts in Ahmedabad and Bangalore and expressed solidarity with the victims.

“Humanity is the ultimate victim in such acts of mindless violence,” said IMC-USA president Rasheed Ahmed. He further stated, “The authorities should conduct a thorough and transparent investigation immediately and refrain from adopting the usual template of blaming Muslim sounding virtual groups whose existence or lack thereof cannot be proven”.

The IMC-USA statement issued on July 26 said inter alia: ‘In recent months, authorities have come under intense criticism for their ineffectiveness in conducting honest and transparent probes into blasts that rocked other Indian cities. During the blasts in Hyderabad last year, rather than track the culprits, the police arrested scores of innocent Muslim youths associated with various civil liberties groups in the city. After weeks of harassment and torture, almost all the arrested had to be released on account of lack of evidence.

‘This police embarrassment was preceded by the high profile expose and convictions of top police officials from Gujarat who were running a racket of killing innocent Muslims in “fake encounters” by labelling them as terrorists belonging to Muslim militant groups.
Earlier last year, some Intelligence Bureau officers confessed to an official CBI inquiry that members of Intelligence Bureau itself are involved in “training and manufacturing terrorists” who are recruited and sent on “terrorist missions” where they are handily arrested by awaiting cops. These cops then get promotions and bravery awards.’

IMC-USA has called upon government and police authorities to demonstrate political will and nab the perpetrators of this heinous crime by conducting a transparent and honest investigation rather than taking the convenient route of scapegoating innocent people.