Dr. Zakir Naik’s UK Entry Ban Case to be Fast-tracked

Dr. Zakir Naik, a Mumbai based Islamic scholar of international repute, who had been barred from entering the UK for his “unacceptable behaviour” has won the first round of his court battle against the

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August 16, 2022

Dr. Zakir Naik, a Mumbai based Islamic scholar of international repute, who had been barred from entering the UK for his “unacceptable behaviour” has won the first round of his court battle against the Home Secretary’s ruling. A High Court judge on September 25 decided that the case for Dr. Naik should be fast-tracked despite objections from Theresa May’s lawyers. Mr. Justice Nichol ordered a two-day hearing to begin on October 20.

Dr. Naik’s solicitor Tayab Ali is being assisted by two QCs from the chambers of Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Booth. He said: “It is manifestly unfair to proceed to judgment on the basis of remarks made many years previously.” Mr. Ali added: “His comments have been taken extremely selectively and completely out of context.”

Dr. Naik, 44, was banned from coming to Britain on June 16 for a charity tour. His supporters said the decision was blatant political posturing and unfair victimisation.

The founder and chairman of global satellite channel Peace TV was due to address thousands in London, Birmingham and Sheffield. He has given more than 1,300 lectures around the world in the past 20 years.