“From time to time Allah sent Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be to them) to the people to mend their ways and follow the right path. At last, a Divine book and complete guidance in the form of the Holy Qur’ān was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) in a span of 23 years,” said Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari while inaugurating the two-day state level conference on “Establish the Deen and Not Be Divided” organised by JIH Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Zone at Trichy, Tamil Nadu, on January 30.
Maulana Umari stressed that the believers must realise that only Allah is supreme and He can do everything. He added, “Islam is not a blind faith; it guides us in every walk of life viz, life, death, social problems, political issues, etc.” The Qur’ān says, “If you don’t follow Islam, you follow satan. The Maulana emphasised that Islam preserves the fundamental rights of people. It allows no discrimination between the high and the low, the rich and the poor, owners and servants, etc. Islam is not for some particular people or society but for the whole mankind, he added.
JIH General Secretary Nusrat Ali highlighted the glorious history of the organisation. He said, “The long journey was started on August 26, 1947. By the Grace of Allah the organisation covered its way and today it is well known for its endeavours inside the country and around the world.” He said its policies were made for the betterment of society and the community. It lays emphasis on professional and religious education since its inception. It welcomes the elite and educated people of the society to join the organisation because they can leave positive impact on the society. JIH believes in unity in diversity. The organisation realised it earlier and started publishing literature in different languages to reach out to the common man. Its policy has been made for the benefit of both Muslims and non-Muslim brethren.
He said that its policy does not hurt the sentiments of any section of the society. It also respects the law of the land. We may have some differences but we do respect it. JIH always raised its voice against communal flare-ups raised anywhere in the country, he added.
He stressed that it is our duty to convey the Holy message of the Qur’ān to the non-Muslims. The organisation has been developing human resources in every nook and corner of India for a better tomorrow. It has been successfully publishing magazines and newspapers in regional languages. The organisation is now planning to launch a T.V. Channel to convey the message to the large segments of masses. The organisation realised the potential of students that no movement can take place if students don’t play a pivotal role in it. Students are the backbone of the nation and society. Hence the organisation started SIO (Students Islamic Organisation) in 1982. And by the Grace of Allah this is one of the best students organisations in India. He regretted that today everywhere Muslims are looked down upon. He exhorted the community not to behave as a gainer but to perform as a donor. He said the country cannot prosper if the Muslims of the country are not given social justice and proper share in the national cake as guaranteed in the Constitution of India.
Highlighting the efforts of the organisation, he said it undertakes relief work at times of disaster like riots, earthquakes, floods, tsunami, starvation, health care, etc. He said that the organisation always raised its voice for the victims of any disaster.
President Movement for Peace and Justice, Andhra Pradesh, Maulana Abdul Azeez wondered whether it is the same India Mohammad Ali Jauhar and Shaukat Ali had dreamt of? Is it the same India Nehru, Gandhi and other leaders dreamt of? “There is economic crisis, political crisis, social crisis everywhere. It has become hard to live for a common man as the right way has been narrowed. Newer evils are striking the roots. What kind of freedom we are enjoying when there is anarchy everywhere. It has become a country where innocents are kept behind the bar till they are proved innocents. Our bureaucrats have lost their image. Debt-ridden farmers are committing suicide, land grabbers and black-marketers are making money.” He cited that the sole reason of these menace and trouble is that the relation between Allah and people has been weakened and the only way is to return to Allah, obey His commands, work as our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) worked.
JIH Secretary Ejaz Ahmed Aslam, while addressing the gathering, said, “Freedom and liberty our forefathers visualised has been turned sour by our so-called political leaders and bureaucrats. We claim to have achieved 8-9% of GDP when 70% of India’s population survives with less than Rs. 20 a day. There are almost three crore cases pending in our High Courts and the Supreme Court which will take centuries to give justice to the victims. Assault to women, extra-judicial killing is not uncommon here. India is still a country topping in illiteracy. Schools in villages are in palpable conditions.
He was amazed that India has ample lands, rivers, human resources, minerals, etc. then what made things wrong? He hoped that one day India will not only stand as a superpower in nuclear weapons, economics but also in morality, ethics and fellow-feelings. He exhorted the people to surrender completely to Almighty Allah and follow the Divine book, the Holy Qur’ān.
All India Nazima Ladies Wing JIH, Atiya Siddiqua said the cause of social disorder prevailing in the society is that people have left the right path. She said today we have achieved great advancement in the field of science but it gave us a sophisticated way of killing the female foetus in the darkness of mother’s womb. In the name of women empowerment some people are empowering nudity and lewdness. A woman will be asked on the Day of Judgement about her husband and family how proficiently she handled it. But it is an irony that today women prefer to work in a showroom or in a company. Divorce is very common today. Dowry is also an alarming menace striking the roots. She reminded the audience, “We have Divine guidance in the form of the Qur’ān to get our sons and daughters married with least expenses. But it is a pity that numerous girls pass their lives unmarried.”
A leader of Tamil Nadu, Pala Karuppaiya appreciated Islam and the noble work JIH is doing. He said he got up early in the morning as the sweet voice of Azaan stroke his ears. He said that Namaz gives an opportunity to the people to assemble at a particular place, meet with each other. It unites and strengthens the community. He said Zakat is a very good step to empower the down-trodden people. “Allah will not only ask the people for what he did but will also ask what he could have done for the people and society,” he added. Admiring the Holy month of Ramadhan, he said, “All the festivals are celebrated with food and other eatable items but Ramadhan negates it. That shows tolerance, which is really admirable”.
Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari released the Conference Souvenir which was received by Professor Abdus Samad (Correspondent, AIMAN College of Arts & Science, Trichy).
An impressive Islamic Exhibition presented the true concept of Islam and its glorious civilisation it gave to the world.
The conference adopted some resolutions on wide-ranging issues like Islamic Banking, dowry culture, total prohibition, etc.
Unity of Ummah: The Conference urged and exhorted the Muslim community to tackle the challenges and crises and face them united. It appealed to the Ummah to be united in the name of Deen. The best course of action is to respect everyone who utters the Kalima ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah’ and to blend with them with brotherly spirit and comradeship.
It appealed to the Muslim organisations, associations and leaders of the Ummah to ponder over this decisive factor.
Registration of Marriages Act: The conference appreciated and welcomed the initiative taken by the state government for the enactment of Marriage Registration Law in Tamil Nadu. It drew the attention of the state government to the time-tested, successful, and age-old tradition of registering each and every marriage solemnised in the Mosques being followed by the Muslims since time immemorial.
Let’s Curb This Trend: The conference urged and exhorted the Muslim fraternity to adhere to and follow the basic Islamic principles of simplicity and humility in their marriage ceremonies. It bemoaned the rampant wastage of wealth, and unwanted rituals and rites prevailing among the Muslim community.
It deplored the disturbing trend of ‘dowry culture’ prevailing among the Muslim community. It emphasised that the ‘dowry culture’ is against the ethos, conventions and traditions of the Islamic Faith.
Primary Schools: It appealed to the leaders of the Ummah to start primary schools in each and every village of the state. It reiterated that without education the community could never progress. The Muslim community lags in education. Besides, in the present scenario, when education has been utterly commercialised the need of the hour is to establish primary schools. It will pave the way for the progress of the community in the field of education!
Price Rise: It urged and exhorted the UPA Government to curb the price rise which is affecting Aam Aadmi to the core. It reiterated and reminded all concerned that fulfilling the basic needs of the citizens is the first and foremost duty of a welfare state. It appealed to the Central and State Governments to take effective measures on war footing to curb and control the price rise immediately.
Interest-free Banking: It appealed to the UPA Government to implement the recommendations of the Dr. Raghuram Rajan Committee and pave the way for the introduction of Islamic Banking in India. It reiterated that the root cause for the present global financial crisis is interest-based economy and speculative business activities. The best alternative is interest-free banking.
Stop This Obscenity!: The conference condemned the rampant obscenity prevailing in both the print and electronic media. It condemned the portrayal of woman as a symbol of vulgarity and as a commodity in the mass media.
Ensure Free Healthcare for Every Citizen: The conference appealed to and urged the UPA Government at the Centre and the DMK Government at the State to raise the funds allocated to sectors of Health and family welfare in their budgets.
Globalisation will Lead Us Nowhere: It reiterated that the prime responsibility of a government is to fulfil the basic needs of the citizens. It opposed the harmful process of globalisation and moves to privatise the service sector viz, education and health and dubbed them as anti-people activities.
American Imperialism: The Conference opposed America’s and its allies’ efforts to control and subjugate sovereign countries. It condemned the atrocities against people fighting for their rights and the efforts to terrorise them and then to dub them as terrorists. It condemned the atrocities of Israel, and supported the freedom movement of the Palestinians.
The Qadianis are Not Muslims!: The Conference declared that those who refute to believe in the Hadith, and those who disbelieve the finality of the Prophethood viz the Qadiyanis or Ahmediyas are not Muslims. Belief in oneness of God and belief in the finality of Prophethood are the foundations of Islam. Naturally those who refuse to believe them could not be considered Muslims. By their disbelief they themselves have strayed out of the bonds of Islam. Hence the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind declared them as non-Muslims.
Shut down TASMAC shops!: The Conference urged and exhorted the DMK Government to promulgate total prohibition in the state. It reiterates that liquor is the mother of all evils. It is an irony that the Government, which propagates the thought that liquor destroys the family, promotes this menace.
Other prominent personalities who addressed the gathering include Sheikh Muhammad Karakunnu (Vice President JIH Kerala), I. Karimullah (Chief Organiser JIH TN Conference), K. Jalaluddin (Shura Member JIH TN), Moulvi Hanifa Manbayi (Deputy Ameer JIH TN), Ahmad Hussaini (Member Advisory Council JIH TN), T. Azeez Luftullah (Editor Tamil Tafseer of the Holy Qur’an), Dr. K.V.S. Habeeb Mohammad (Vice President, Islamic Foundation Trust, Chennai), H. Abdur Raqeeb (General Secretary, Indian Centre for Islamic Finance), and Mrs. Fakhira (State Organiser, Women Wing JIH, TN).