The growth of Islam in America was evident upon seeing new Muslims from various backgrounds flocking to the conference hall of 3rd Regional Revert’s Conference sponsored by GainPeace of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA),” said Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, Director ICNA’s Outreach Project.
Reverts from eight states, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, were invited to attend this one of akind get-together in Chicago, focusing around topic and issues relevant to the reverts.
Yusha Evans, a former youth minister, inspired and reminded the audience about sharing Islam with fellow human beings or else be answerable to Allah for failing to fulfilling our obligation. He proclaimed that there are literally millions of souls out their searching for the truth and it is Muslims who need to open their mosques and reach out to them with the beautiful message of Islam.
We are often bombarded with harsh questions about Islam from the media, colleagues, neighbours and most of us stumble in providing the right answer. Shaykh Yusuf Estes, a former pastor, in his humorous and professional manner, provided tools and techniques of how to turn harsh questions into easy shahadas!
Ama Shabazz, a revert to Islam and activist, spoke on Women in the forefront of Dawah. She captivated the audience and interacted with them in providing various platforms through which Muslim women can relate Islam to others.
Adopting a new religion and expanding our circle of friends to include those of other cultures and nationalities pose several challenges. These cultural barriers sometimes prevent us from being a truly united Muslim Ummah as envisioned by Islam. Dr. Syed Warsi, director of new Muslim services, GainPeace, capped off the presentation with awe inspiring words to remind all Muslims that we should work hand in hand in the cause of Allah despite each of us being from various backgrounds, just like the mixture of nationalities and races that composed the noble generation of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him).
Two small group discussion sessions, ‘Challenges faced by new Muslims and their solutions’ and ‘How to enhance our Dawah projects’ were held to involve the audience and to obtain their comments and concerns.
To cap off this wonderful event, a woman, who travelled from Tennessee to Chicago, sat through the programme, appreciated the words of wisdom proclaimed by the speakers, recited her shahadah and became a Muslim during the conference.