In this age of enlightenment and advancement of science and technology, we have a jungle of books – all written by very learned authors, men and women. But none can claim that his is the final word on a given subject; for the claim made at a particular time is superseded by another such claim made equally vociferously at another time,and the process continues. But the Qur’ān is distinguished in that it is not written by a human being; it is a revealed book. God Almighty revealed His Word through Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This is God’s Final Book confirming the teachings of God revealed to earlier Prophets. God has also revealed the Qur’ān with the Truth, the Ultimate Truth; and this Truth is one and cannot be multiple. So, this is a Divine Book, different from any other book in the world.
The Qur’ān enjoins human beings to recite it. Reciting God’s Book is not simply going through its words; it means reading with contemplation and reflection that leads to understanding the depths of its teachings. It further leads to good, beneficial action in earthly life and good behaviour with fellow beings. The 35th chapter of the Book, Sūrah Fatir (35:29) says: “Those who recite God’s book, attend regularly to prayer, and give in charity, secretly and openly, from what We have provided for them, look forward to a bargain that can never fail.”
This āyah shows that reciting the Book of God entails attending regularly to Salat or Prayers and giving charity, secretly or openly, out of what God has blessed us with. Thus, it shapes our action in good direction and saves us from going astray. And while doing such good actions, a believer entertains the hope that he will be rewarded here in this life as well as in the Hereafter. The next āyah (35:30) avers: “For He will grant them their just rewards, and give them yet more out ofHis bounty. He is indeed Much-Forgiving, Most Appreciative (of man’s good deeds).”
The believer’s hope is coupled with his firm faith that the Divine offer so made will never be a failed bargain. For, he knows perfectly well that what God has in store to give him in the Hereafter is far more invaluable than what he gives away in charity for His sake alone.
This āyah promises that a believer or doer of good actions will receive his reward in full, coupled with an increase of God’s bounty; for “He is indeed Much-Forgiving, Most Appreciative.”That God is appreciative of our good deeds is a great reward in itself. Therefore, we should be grateful to God for He has bestowed His favours on us, and follow His teachings in letter and spirit. This is the only way we can reap the ultimate success.