Legal booklets offer hopes to Muslims seeking justice

Data that has not been included in the final report of the Rajinder Sachar Committee exposes a gloomy reality of Muslims in India: Muslims are in disproportionately higher numbers as prison inmates in the country, writes Kashif-ul-Huda, Editor

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June 18, 2022
Data that has not been included in the final report of the Rajinder Sachar Committee exposes a gloomy reality of Muslims in India: Muslims are in disproportionately higher numbers as prison inmates in the country, writes Kashif-ul-Huda, Editor
The data, though collected by the Sachar Committee but not included in the final report, showed Muslims in much higher numbers as prison inmates in proportion to their population in several states. Experts have offered poverty and discrimination as some of the reasons for higher Muslim arrests and convictions. While Sachar report has generated a lot of interest, not much has been done to correct the wrong on the innocent Muslims who find themselves behind bars.
There have been some attempts in setting up legal aid camps by some Muslim organisations but in a community of 150 million much needs to be done. Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), an advocacy group based in the United States, is launching a campaign to distribute booklets on legal rights among Muslims in India.