This world is temporal. A day is bound to come, and is coming fast, when this world with all its beauties and treasures will come to a naught. This day is called the Day of Judgement. On this Day each and every human being will be resurrected and made to account for his deeds during his life on earth.
It is not that man has been kept uninformed of the coming of this Day. No, this is not the case. God, the Creator of man as well as the entire universe, made the most comprehensive divine arrangement to keep humans well informed of the coming of the Day of Judgement. This divine arrangement comprised the appointment of Messengers and sending down Books from time to time. The Qur’ān is the Final Book revealed by God to His Last Messenger, Muhammad ﷺ.
But most people do not pay heed to the Divine Message inscribed in the Qur’ān and conveyed by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. They have fallen prey to their mundane desires and unbridled ambitions, selectorial whims and incoherent inconsistencies. They run after the pelf and power, the pleasures of the life of this world. They do not realise that there is acertain divine law that determines which people may receive God’s guidance andwhich are left in error.When a person looks at God’s Signs and accepts what theyindicate, he finds God’s guidance in accordance with the divine law. And, whoever turns his back on these signs andrefuses to understand the divine message is bound togo astray. The Qur’ān (18:17) says: “He whom God guides is indeed rightly guided, but for him whom He lets go astray youcan never find any protector who would point out the right way.”
Here God instructs His Messenger to “contain yourself in patience with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His countenance. Let not your eyes pass beyond them in quest of the beauties of the life of this world. Pay no heed to any whose heart We have left to be negligent of all remembrance of Us because he had always followed his own desires, and whose case has gone beyond all bounds.” (The Qur’ān 18:28)
And, in the very next verse, the Prophet is instructed to say to the people: “Say: ‘The truth (has now come) from your Lord. Let him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it.’”Thus, the Message of the Qur’ān is loud and clear: “let him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it.”
Then the Qur’ān describes what is prepared for those who reject the Truth on the one hand and for those who believe in it and obey God on the other. The unbelievers will have a fire that has been made ready to receive them: “For the wrongdoers We have prepared a fire.” (The Qur’ān 18:29) And, for the believers who have done righteous deeds there is heaven where they will permanently stay: “Theirs shall be gardens of perpetual bliss, with rivers rolling at their feet. There they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and will wear green garments of silk and brocade, and they will recline on couches. Excellent is the recompense, and comfortable is the place to rest.” (The Qur’ān 18:31)
Therefore, success lies in turning to God, obeying His commands, hoping to win the pleasure of God and a blissful seat in the Paradise.