Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) 1958 is a licence for Indian Army to violate human rights in the name of maintaining public order in disputed lands. With the government’s approval such an oppressive law helps capitalist groups to make their hold strong in areas like Northeast India which is bestowed with huge amount of natural resources,” opined Malem Ningthouja, Chairperson Campaign for Peace and Democracy (Manipur) in a programme “Story of Oppression – Unheard Voice of Manipur”, organised by Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) in New Delhi on June 11.
Irom Singhjeet Singh, trustee Peace and Democratic Movement and elder brother of civil rights activist Irom Chanu Sharmila, shared the story of her sister’s 10 years long battle against the brutality of armed forces in Manipur.
Singh lamented that a number of women have been sexually assaulted in front of their in-laws and family members; hundreds of young boys have been killed in fake encounters; hundreds of others disappeared and no one knows they are dead or alive.
He feared it was a racial discrimination as their religion, language, attire, tradition, etc. differ from other states.
He informed that Sharmila will continue her hunger strike until Government repeals the brutal Act. Sharmila, has been on fast for the last 10 years since the infamous Malom massacre of 2000, demanding the repeal of the AFSPA.
SIO National Secretary, Shahnawaz Ali Raihan said the global media usually depict India portraying a flourishing image which is not correct. All the states are not so peaceful as we believe. In 1949 Manipur was separated without solving the real cause, for which the state is still facing the turmoil. He urged the government to repeal the Act, which violates the international human rights standards.
Raihan said SIO has been committed to raise its voice for the voiceless irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, and will continue its support for people to fight against any kind of discrimination.
The programme commenced with the recitation of the holy Qur’ān by Anees-ur-Rahman. After the speech, interactive session was also held.