SIO Holds Competition on “Muhammad (PBUH) for all”

SIO Holds Competition on “Muhammad (PBUH) for all”

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August 8, 2022

As part of the state-level campaign of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maharashtra, Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) Mumbra-Kausa Unit successfully organised an inter-school speech and essay competition on “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for all”. The sole objective of the competition was to disseminate the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) among the students and to propagate the message that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) is not only a mercy to Muslims, but a Mercy to all creations.

In all 250 essays were received from 20 schools in Marathi, Hindi, English and Urdu languages. Forty students from 20 schools participated in the speech competition.

The speech competition was held on January 31 at Ahmed Abdullah Garib Polytechnic, Kausa. The competition was held for the students of standard 5th to 10th divided in Senior and Junior groups.

Shaikh Rafeeque Madani (HOD Arabic, Islamic International School), Dr. Irshad (Principal BMC School), Prof. Safdar Ulde (Rizvi Junior College), Zaheer M K (Research and Development, Mahindra and Mahindra) were the judges for the competition.

It was great to witness the competition among students with speeches in Marathi, Hindi, English and Urdu languages covering various aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) life. Maulana Khalid Jameel Makki (Lecturer, Ex-Principal Jamia Islamiya, Mumbra) was the chief guest for the prize distribution ceremony. In his address he highlighted the importance of following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) in totality and to be a good practising Muslim. He also said the only solution to the problems of humanity is following the way of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him). Zafar Ansari (Member, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Mumbra-Kausa) explained the objectives of the campaign and their expectation from students, parents and teachers.

The following students were awarded prizes in different categories:

In Essay Competition, the prize winners are Priyanka Deepak Shinde (1st in Marathi Medium); Fatima Tabassum (1st in Hindi Medium, Junior Group); Adnan Bamne (1st in Hindi Medium, Senior Group); Aqsa Ashraf Surve (1st in English Medium, Senior Group); Uwais Safdar Ulde (1st in English Medium, Junior Group); Momin Akram Mehmood (1st in Urdu Medium, Senior Group); and Shaikh Tamanna Zakir (1st in Urdu Medium, Junior Group).

In Speech Competition, the winner are Uwais Safdar Ulde (1st in Junior Group); and Mohammad Waqar (1st in Senior Group).