Stop Bombing in Aleppo: Symposium

A symposium on Current Crisis of Syria (Aleppo) and Our Responsibilities was organised by Idara-e-Tahqeeq-o-Tasneef-e-Islami, a renowned institute of research on Islam at Aligarh on December 25.

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A symposium on Current Crisis of Syria (Aleppo) and Our Responsibilities was organised by Idara-e-Tahqeeq-o-Tasneef-e-Islami, a renowned institute of research on Islam at Aligarh on December 25. A large number of faculty members, students and scholars of Aligarh Muslim University and its surroundings participated in the programme and took part in the deliberations.

A resolution was adopted at the end and it was decided to send the same to the embassies of the countries involved in the affairs of Syria, particularly Iran, Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The resolutions adopted unanimously run as under:

  1. Bombing in Aleppo must stop immediately and residents of the city who are trapped inside must be given safe passage.
  2. Once they decide to leave, their right to return to the land of their forefathers should not be taken away.
  3. Since Syria had historically given refuge to refugees from all over, it is the time for other countries to repay the debt they owe to Syria and its people.
  4. Although today, in the interest of peace, the focus is not on the human rights violation of the regime of Bashar Al-Assad but on the safety and security of innocent civilians, this does not mean that the regime should in due course be not held accountable for what it has done to Syria and its people.